First Baptist Church in Crane exists to raise up disciples of Jesus who love God radically, grow spiritually together and impact the world. We aren't perfect people by any stretch but we believe that Jesus changes lives and calls us to be a blessing to our community. By God's grace we want to reach out to the people of Crane to show them the love of Jesus and invite them to participate in what God is doing here.
When we say we want to "Love God Radically, Grow Spiritually Together & Impact the World" people might wonder what that means. As a church family we strive to be different from culture which means that we really believe the Bible is God's true word and it affects everything we do from babies all the way to adults. By teaching from Genesis through Revelations to our whole church family it changes the way we do music, pray, serve, give and reach out to people in need. Jesus is the center of all we say and do here so we invite you to jump in with both feet and see what God will do in your life.

Love God Radically
Teach the Bible as God’s true Word
Create gathering spaces that are focused on the worship of Jesus
Seek God’s wisdom in everything through prayer
Grow Spiritually Together
Partner with parents to help their children love Jesus and want to engage the world with the Gospel
Disciple everyone so they can grow, serve & play where God has planted them
Leverage technology for community and spiritual growth
Impact the World
Live out a culture of authenticity & confession
Work with local groups to help our community thrive
Share the hope of Jesus to the nations


Jump in with both feet!
1. Gather
2. Pray
3. Give generously of your means
4. Serve
5. Invite people to join us